<aside> ☝🏽 This cover image is a doodle depicting a horizon line with economic activity from mountains to ocean and in the sky. | The image was made by made by John Guerra using The Doodle Library — **Simple, reusable drawings.**


We think about business, work, jobs, education, skills, products, services, design, development, industries, markets, economies, and other fun shit. This article is a quick intro to theIndustryDirect (and this blog).

We think about it — all of it

If it has to do with business, work, jobs, education, skills, products, services, design, development, industries, markets, economies, and other related funness — we think about it.

We write about it — some of it

We feel we are in the learning phase of so much — we think that is a good thing — and we want to share our thoughts with you and the internet as we are on our journey and doing our work. We aim to give and get value from the community.

Quick tour

A good place to start this journey together is by giving your a tour of where we are online.

Our main website: theindustrydirect.com

theIndustryDirect 🛸


Blog & Newsletter

theIndustryDirect | Blog


theIndustryDirect 🛸







twitter.com/IndustryDirect 🐥